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Community and
Educational Project UmStieg 

Sonnhalde House in the Southern Black Forest

Die Menschis



We are looking for new members!


Info PDF for new members


Summer Festival with workshops & music

25-27 August

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Dein Seminar im Haus Sonnhalde

Organise your seminar with us!


Inquiries to 


Angebote und Preise 2025 pdf







Von Fr. 17.10. bis So. 19.10. 
Anreise: Freitag ab 16:00


Wenn die Gartensaison endet, können viele schöne Sachen im Garten gemacht werden! Wir laden euch zum Gartenaktionswochenende ein! Es ist eine tolle Gelegenheit, in guter Stimmung zusammen zu sein und ggf. etwas Neues zu lernen. Es wird gemeinsam im Garten geschafft, gemeinsam gekocht, gemeinsam gegessen und gemeinsam gefeiert.



Who Are We?

Gruppe Umstieg Juli 2024.jpg

The residents of the Sonnhalde - there was something to celebrate!

We are a group of young and committed people with the common desire for a self-determined life in a multi-generational housing project. We believe in an environmentally conscious way of life and a fair society.


In addition to living in solidarity, we want to create a space that invites more people to learn and exchange ideas. We dream to be a place of learning and change that inspires a sustainable way of life. 



As a community we want to grow together and live harmoniously. Community building and conflict resolution methods support us in achieving this goal. Thanks to a sociocratic organisational structure and decisions based on consent, we are able to act as a group, share responsibility and listen to all members as much as possible. We see ourselves as a liberal, multi-generational housing, learning and living project.


Currently, we have 7 Adults and 1 child in the house. Three more people will move in in September. In our group, we bring together a wide range of skills: we have founding and entrepreneurial experience, are managing directors of companies and non-profit associations. Among us is a teacher and a gardener. The departments of physics, sociology, political science and anthropology are also represented. We draw on many years of experience in the field of education and coaching, particularly in professional adult education, wilderness education and team development.


We plan on having approx.15 residents and will steadily expand the current founding group. We want to promote the diversity of the project and reject any form of discrimination.


Come with us on a journey.

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If you have any questions, talk to us!

We would be happy to tell you more about our project:info @

Adresse: Untere Sonnhalde 37, 79692 Kleines Wiesental

Mehr Infos und Kartenansicht

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