The provider of this website is
UmStieg eV
Lower Sonhalde 37
79692 Little Meadow Valley
Telephone: 0179 9090486
Jointly authorized to represent:
1. Board member:
Josephine Peters
Lower Sonhalde 37
79692 Little Meadow Valley
2. Board:
Thomas Zimmerman
Lower Sonhalde 37
79692 Little Meadow Valley
Registration number: VR 703141
Registration court: District Court of Freiburg
The imprint applies to: http://www.umstieg.org
Responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:
Thomas Zimmermann, Untere Sonnhalde 37, 79692 Kleines Wiesental
All rights to the content of this website are reserved. Any commercial use requires the prior consent of the copyright holder.
This website may contain connections (links) to websites offered by third parties. When setting the link, we were not able to identify any illegal content in the link target. We cannot assume any liability for the current content and any changes made after the link was set.