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  • News | UmStieg

    Community and Educational Project UmStieg Sonnhalde House in the Southern Black Forest Die Menschis News We are looking for new members! Info PDF for new members Summer Festival with workshops & music 25-27 August Dein Seminar im Haus Sonnhalde Organise your seminar with us! Inquiries to seminar house Angebote und Preise 2 025 pdf Garten aktions-Wochenende Von Fr. 17.10. bis So. 19.10. Anreise: Freitag ab 16:00 Wenn die Gartensaison endet, können viele schöne Sachen im Garten gemacht werden ! Wir laden euch zum Gartenaktionswochenende ein! Es ist eine tolle Gelegenheit, in guter Stimmung zusammen zu sein und ggf. etwas Neues zu lernen. Es wird gemeinsam im Garten geschafft, gemeinsam gekocht, gemeinsam gegessen und gemeinsam gefeiert. Who Are We? The residents of the Sonnhalde - there was something to celebrate! We are a group of young and committed people with the common desire for a self-determined life in a multi-generational housing project. We believe in an environmentally conscious way of life and a fair society. In addition to living in solidarity, we want to create a space that invites more people to learn and exchange ideas. We dream to be a place of learning and change that inspires a sustainable way of life. As a community we want to grow together and live harmoniously. Community building and conflict resolution methods support us in achieving this goal. Thanks to a sociocratic organisational structure and decisions based on consent, we are able to act as a group, share responsibility and listen to all members as much as possible. We see ourselves as a liberal, multi-generational housing, learning and living project. Currently, we have 7 Adults and 1 child in the house. Three more people will move in in September. In our group, we bring together a wide range of skills: we have founding and entrepreneurial experience, are managing directors of companies and non-profit associations. Among us is a teacher and a gardener. The departments of physics, sociology, political science and anthropology are also represented. We draw on many years of experience in the field of education and coaching, particularly in professional adult education, wilderness education and team development. We plan on having approx.15 residents and will steadily expand the current founding group. We want to promote the diversity of the project and reject any form of discrimination. Come with us on a journey. Contact Contact If you have any questions, talk to us! We would be happy to tell you more about our project:info @ Adresse: Untere Sonnhalde 37, 79692 Kleines Wiesental Mehr Infos und Kartenansicht To stay updated? Sign up for our newsletter!

  • Member Page | UmStieg

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  • finanziell Unterstützen | UmStieg

    Support with Direct Loans We welcome support in the form of direct loans. These are an essential pillar for financing our project, which is being carried out in cooperation with the Apartment Buildings Syndicate . The advantages of direct loans at a glance: For Lenders: You will support a local, socially and ecologically sustainable project and know exactly where and how the money will be used; You will make a contribution against rising rents and promote the creation of affordable living space that is permanently withdrawn from the market; Flexible conditions: Loans from €500 are possible and various interest rates can also be selected. We offer various direct loan offers, which differ in different interest rates. You can find FAQs about our direct loan agreement here. For the P roject : The direct loans serve as a substitute for equity meaning the residents do not have to raise the equity themselves; In most cases, these loans have cheaper lending rates because no bank earns additional money from lending; Lenders are also supporters: it establishes a wider network of people who feel connected to the project. Become a Supporter If you would like to support us financially or have any queries, please email us at: gmbh @ Lisa is your first point of contact. In a conversation, we are happy to discuss all of your questions and we will also explain the content of the direct loan agreement to you.

  • About us | UmStieg

    Our Concept A multi-generational housing project and a seminar and education center are combined under one roof. We have s easonal cultural offers for both people from the region and tourists. The four pillars of living, learning & working and discovering are directly intertwined and enrich each other. They aim to enable a lively exchange and to promote socio-ecological sustainability. Cooperation with regional actors (civil, economic and public) is sought and the needs are combined in a meaningful way where possible. Regional networking and rural development are promoted. Life Multigenerational Hous ing Project The Sonnhalde House offers space for up to 15 people to live together in a collective and socially-ecologically sustainable manner. This includes, among other things, striving to become self-sufficient, as well as proving each other with mutual support and relief in everyday life. Affordable, inclusive and barrier-free housing is also promoted. Learning & working Educational & Seminar Ce ntre The house offers a place for learning. Opportunities to host educational seminars and workshops here include topics such as community building and communication, political and personal development, as well as the common good. In short: a wide range of topics that promote a future that is fair and suitable for our grandchildren. Discover Cultural & T ourist Offers Cultural programs (concerts, readings, festivals) can also include organic meals and guest rooms for gentle, sustainable tourism. The unique natural setting offers guests to experience the beautiful environment in the region. The region is enlivened and enriched. An impulse from the region to the region. An impulse from the region into the world. Our Mission A community and seminar house is being established in the middle of the Black Forest, in which people from several generations live together in solidarity and create a place of learning for change for a social and sustainable life through seminars, guests and cultural offers. The local community creates a sustainable way of life and work for themselves and others. They live together as a collective and contribute to socio-ecological transformation in order to create a more just world for everyone. The UmStieg Project is a thought and practice laboratory for experimenting with a socially and ecologically just and sustainable way of life with a multiplication effect. We wish for worldwide development with equal opportunities that enables a life in peace, freedom, justice and global solidarity. While the goal is fixed, the search for new solutions is flexible and never ending. We look forward to accepting this challenge! Let's shape the future now! Das Mietshäusersyndikat Das Haus Sonnhalde ist kein Privateigentum, sondern wird Teil des Mietshäuser Syndikats werden. Das Mietshäuser Syndikat ist ein bundesweites Netzwerk selbstorganisierter Mietshäuser. Die Gebäude sind dem Immobilienmarkt und damit der Spekulation entzogen und somit werden langfristig bezahlbare Mieten gesichert. Wesentlich am Syndikatsmodell ist, dass die Bewohner:innen zwar über alle Belange des Hauses selbst bestimmen, aber als Individuen nicht dessen Eigentümer:innen sind. Die Häuser sind Eigentum einer Hausprojekt GmbH mit zwei Gesellschafter:innen: erstens dem jeweiligen Hausverein der Bewohner:innen und zweitens der Mietshäuser Syndikat GmbH. Hausverein und Mietshäuser Syndikat haben in der GmbH Stimmengleichheit. Damit wäre ein Verkauf oder eine Umwandlung nur einvernehmlich möglich. Das Haus bleibt auf diese Weise ein gemeinschaftliches Wohnprojekt, auch wenn im Laufe der Zeit die Mieter:innen wechseln. Gegründet 1992 in Freiburg, haben sich gemeinsam mit dem Mietshäuser Syndikat in den letzten 23 Jahren mittlerweile über 170 selbstverwaltete Hausprojekte und 15 Projektinitiativen zu einem festen solidarischen Verbund zusammengeschlossen. Im Mietshäuser Syndikat sind wir Teil eines erfahrenen und finanzstarken Netzwerks. Möchtest du mehr über das Mietshäuser Syndikat wissen? Dann schau dir diese ARD Reportage oder gleich die Dokumentation „Das ist unser Haus " an. Oder lass dich auf der Webseite inspirieren.

  • Impressum | UmStieg

    Imprint The provider of this website is UmStieg eV Lower Sonhalde 37 79692 Little Meadow Valley Email: info @ Telephone: 0179 9090486 Jointly authorized to represent: 1. Board member: Josephine Peters Lower Sonhalde 37 79692 Little Meadow Valley 2. Board: Thomas Zimmerman Lower Sonhalde 37 79692 Little Meadow Valley thomas.udk @ Registration number: VR 703141 Registration court: District Court of Freiburg The imprint applies to: http://www Responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Thomas Zimmermann, Untere Sonnhalde 37, 79692 Kleines Wiesental All rights to the content of this website are reserved. Any commercial use requires the prior consent of the copyright holder. This website may contain connections (links) to websites offered by third parties. When setting the link, we were not able to identify any illegal content in the link target. We cannot assume any liability for the current content and any changes made after the link was set.

  • House Purchase | UmStieg

    House purchase by the end of 2022 Since April 2022, part of the group has been renting Haus Sonnhalde. The purchase of the house by UmStieg Haus GmbH should be completed by the end of the year. We want to buy it from the owner, and rising interest rates are pushing us to do it. The house will not go into private ownership, but will be owned by a GmbH that cannot sell the house again. The shareholders of the GmbH are our house association (in which all tenants are represented) and the Apartment building syndicate . Buying a house together to live in as tenants and to keep it as affordable housing for future generations - how do we do that? With your support ! Whether a person can become part of our community does not depend on their wealth. That's why we stand by the rental house syndicate model. Financing with Direct Loans People who find our project worth supporting can contribute directly to us - in the form of a direct loan (so-called subordinated loan). This means they can be sure that their money is being invested transparently, socially and sustainably. The direct loans serve as equity so that you can also take out a bank loan. Because it probably won't work without a bank. More info on supporting us here

  • House Sonnhalde | UmStieg

    The Sonnhalde house Sonnhalde House is 750 m above sea level, embedded in the Southern Black Forest Nature Park, in the Kleinen Wiesental in the district of Bürcau (approx. 200 inhabitants). The local mountain Belchen (1,414 m above sea level) and the surrounding area invites you to hike and relax. The property was built around 1750 as a barn on the southern slope of the town of Bürcau. It has been continuously expanded and has operated as a well-known inn with a starred restaurant and national clientele since 1960. It was last renovated in 2018. The total usable area is approx. 800 m2. The terrain is about 3000 m2. The place offers the ideal setting for community living close to nature and for educational and cultural events. Figure 1: View of the house from the west of the village (circle) Image 2: View from the house to the other side "Oberbürchau" The sun sets last on the south-west slope. Hence the name "Sonnhalde". The Location Trains go to Schopfheim, from there buses go to Bürcau. There are also hourly trains from Freiburg via Bad Krozingen to Münstertal, from where we can offer a shuttle service. By car it takes about 35 minutes from Lörrach, 45 minutes from Basel and 50 minutes from Freiburg. Two highlights of the region: A bathing lake in the middle of the mountains, the "Nonnenmattweiher", 15 minutes by car from us. And the "Belchen", one of the highest mountains in the Black Forest, only a 3-hour walk from us. The rooms and spaces We have a large Gastro kitchen, a large seminar room (64 m2) and 20 guest beds (SR / DR). Seminarraum Gästezimmer 1 Zimmer zur Westseite, mit WC und Dusche Garten Seminarraum 1/7

  • Fragen und Antworten zur Direktkredite | UmStieg

    FAQs on Direct Lending What are direct loans? Direct loans are funds that are made available to the UmStieg housing and education project by private individuals or groups. A loan agreement is concluded between the lenders and UmStieg Haus GmbH. This gives the donors the opportunity to make a transparent, social and sustainable investment that supports a politically, ecologically and socially committed house project. Low-interest direct loans are the key for the UmStieg housing project in order to ensure rents will be kept at a low level. What do you get out of it as a lender? We offer the certainty that your money serves a social purpose: We ensure permanent affordable housing and counteract real estate speculation. We enable long-term and social investment, where you always know where your money is and what is happening with it. Private enrichment through profits or speculation is excluded by the charter and control of the apartment building syndicate. Direct loans for projects in the Apartment Buildings Syndicate are a form of solidarity investment. From a purely economic point of view, other investments may be more effective. What does the prospectus exemption mean? From January 1st, 2016, subordinated loans, including our direct loans, are subject to the Investment Act. Since we will not raise more than €100,000 in direct credit per offer per year, this will not change much for our project. There is no prospectus requirement according to the Asset Investment Act. What does subordinated loan mean? In the event of insolvency of the project, we are obliged to first serve other non-subordinated creditors, such as banks, and only then will the direct lenders be paid out. Is there interest on direct loans? The social character of the project is guaranteed by low interest rates. Low interest rates guarantee permanently low rents and enable us to repay bank loans more quickly. Regardless of the amount and term, you can grant your direct loan either interest-free or with a fixed interest rate of up to 1.5%, depending on the offer. You can decide whether you want the interest to be paid out annually or at the end of the term. At the end of each calendar year, you will receive a notification about the account balance and, if applicable, about interest income. How high should the direct loans be? Direct credits can be made available from an amount of € 500. Lower amounts are unfavorable because of the administrative burden. In addition to one-off credit payments, you can also arrange partial payments with us. What is the term or notice period of the loan agreement? Direct loans can be concluded for a limited period of at least one year or for an indefinite period. Loans with long maturities are preferred because they ensure a high level of security for planning and reduce our administrative costs. This is particularly important for large loans. Fixed-term direct loans end automatically after the agreed time. There are different notice periods for permanent loans, depending on the amount of the loan. We ask you to comply with the agreed terms and notice periods so that we can plan with certainty. For us, fair treatment also means that we make every effort to enable your money will be repaid early if necessary. Who is responsible for filing the capital gains tax return? Unlike banks, we are not entitled to withhold and pay capital gains tax. This means that you are responsible for reporting income from direct loans in your income tax return. A certificate of interest income is issued for this purpose. What makes us trustworthy partners? Established and Reliable community The house project UmStieg strives for the participation of Apartment buildings syndicate . For more than twenty years, economically and socially functioning projects supported by many people have existed under this umbrella throughout Germany. Solid financial planning Our financing plan was drawn up in close cooperation with consultants from the Mietshäuser Syndikat and the GLS Bank. Our calculation is solid and based on the economic earning power of the house project and the educational establishment. Stable rental income and economic activities in our project serve the loans. Local and transparent investment You can see where your money is and what is happening with it at any time. You will receive regular information about the development of the project. In this way, the use of your investment remains transparent.

  • Datenschutz | UmStieg

    privacy General note and mandatory information Naming of the responsible body The responsible body for data processing on this website is: UmStieg eV Lower Sonhalde 37 79692 Little Meadow Valley The responsible body decides alone or together with others on the purposes and means of processing personal data (e.g. names, contact details, etc.). Withdrawing your consent to data processing Some data processing operations are only possible with your express consent. You can withdraw your consent that you have already given at any time. An informal message by e-mail is sufficient for this. The legality of the data processing that took place up until the revocation remains unaffected by the revocation. Right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority As a data subject, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority in the event of a breach of data protection law. The competent supervisory authority with regard to data protection issues is the state data protection officer of the federal state in which our company is based. The following link provides a list of data protection officers and their contact details: . Right to data portability You have the right to have data that we process automatically on the basis of your consent or in fulfillment of a contract handed over to you or to third parties. It is provided in a machine-readable format. If you request the direct transfer of the data to another person responsible, this will only be done to the extent that it is technically feasible. Right to information, correction, blocking, deletion You have the right to free information about your stored personal data, the origin of the data, its recipient and the purpose of the data processing and, if necessary, a right to correction, blocking or deletion of this data at any time within the framework of the applicable legal provisions. You can contact us at any time using the contact options listed in the legal notice if you have any further questions on the subject of personal data. SSL or TLS encryption For security reasons and to protect the transmission of confidential content that you send to us as the site operator, our website uses an SSL or. TLS encryption. This means that data that you transmit via this website cannot be read by third parties. You can recognize an encrypted connection by the "https://" address line of your browser and by the lock symbol in the browser line. Server log files The provider of the website automatically collects and stores information in server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are: Visited page on our domain Date and time of the server request Browser type and browser version Operating system used Referrer URL Host name of the accessing computer IP address This data is not merged with other data sources. The basis for data processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b GDPR, which permits the processing of data to fulfill a contract or pre-contractual measures. Source: Data protection configurator from

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